Friday, April 22, 2011

Facebook and Earth Day Network Release Billion Acts of Green App

Image via screengrab of Billion Acts of Green Facebook page

by Jaymi Heimbuch, San Francisco, California

Will a billion acts of green save the planet? Nope. But that doesn't stop us from trying to make every small step count, literally, this Earth Day. Earth Day Network and Facebook have partnered up to create a new app that allows you to declare your act of green, and be added to the giant number of people who will do a little something for the planet this week.

I take it back -- a billion acts of green could save the planet if that billion includes some pretty major acts, like placing a market value on living trees and primary forest, or every person reducing their carbon footprint to 2 tons per year, or making factory farming illegal and so on.

But that's not what this app really has in mind. A Billion Acts of Green is more about the little things that everyone can do right now. Examples for what you can do this Earth Day include writing your government in support of green legislation, eliminating the use of toxic cleaning products, changing from incandescent bulbs to LEDs (that used to be CFLs, but I guess we've moved forward...) or planting a garden at home.

If everyone did one act, that's a nice step in the right direction -- though not exactly planet-saving. Yet, the app in an inspiration to do not just one thing, but five, ten, even a dozen things that you see your friends and fellow Facebook users pledging to do. And maybe if enough people make enough changes, then we can see some forward progress. A girl can hope, anyway.

"Facebook's partnership with Earth Day Network to create and promote the Billion Acts of Green app is an exciting way to harness the Facebook platform's power and reach on behalf of the environment," said Jonathan Heiliger, V.P. of Technical Operations at Facebook in a press release. "Whether pledging to save energy, use less water, use alternative transportation, or take other steps, people can use Facebook to mark Earth Day with meaningful action - and can encourage their friends to do the same. This will help Earth Day Network achieve its 'Billion Acts of Green' goal."

To make a pledge to do some green thing this week, hop on A Billion Acts of Green and write in your pledge.

If you need a little inspiration, check out 13 Green Lifestyle Experts Tell Us Their Earth Day Plans

Follow Jaymi on Twitter for more stories like this

More on Earth Day Actions
Green Bloggers Speak: Does Earth Day Matter?
Know the History of Earth Day - Quiz
How to Go Green: Earth Day